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Policy Sub-page - Safeguarding our future
Native forest logging
Native forest logging
Native forest logging
It's clear that what is happening to our remaining forests cannot continue. Native forest logging is officially threatening over 50 endangered and vulnerable species in New South Wales, including once common species like the greater glider and koala. It's also hugely uneconomical, with Forestry Corp still running at a taxpayer funded loss, despite $246.9 million in taxpayer subsidies. What frustrates me the most about this issue is that rather than recognising the huge opportunity to protect nature and provide a stronger regional economy, Forestry Corporation has been allowed to continue to destroy the soon to be gazetted Great Koala National Park. While our local representatives pretend the park isn't coming, I will be calling for a transition package that redirects the millions in public subsidies spent destroying our native forests into plantation forestry, bushfire preparedness, forest restoration and support for jobs, innovation and future industry in our region. We need to protect our forests and stand with our workers to ensure a prosperous, resilient and healthy future.